Sunday, October 14, 2007

Angelo's BOB

what was the hardest thing about this unit?
the hardest thing about this unit, was doing all the sub assignments. there were a lot of calculations to keep up with, and i found it difficult to do that.

What do i now understand, what i didn't understand before?
i now understand how to use clocks to solve fractions. it really comes in handy and it makes fractions easy to understand

what would you teach your parents, and how would you teach them?
i would teach them how to use clocks to solve fractions. if it helped me a lot, it should help them a lot too! i would give them a simple question like, 1/2 + 1/2. they SHOULD know what half an hour would be, so i'd tell then 2 30 minutes would equal 1 hour. so the fraction would be 1/1.

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