a. to compare 2 fractions, we must get the LCD (least common denominator) if the denominator is not the same but if the denominators are the same, we just need to look the difference of the two denominators. we are comparing fractions in with additions, so we are going to use methods such as decimal, percentage, clock, least common denominator, and using pictures.
clock method:
1/2, 1 is one hour
that is 60 minutes divided by
2 which is also the same as 60/2
and 60 divided by 2 is 30 so i got
30 minutes (the half of an hour)
1/6 is about 10 minutes of an hour. 60 divided 6 is equal to 10 minutes and 1/6 is also equal to 10/60. 10 minutes, the numerator, 60 minutes, the denominator
Kadille and Carl's Bikerace
this sites might help:
7/28 + 6/24 ___ 1/3 + 5/6
7/28 can be reduced to 1/4 same as 6/24, so the equation will be easier to understand. it is 1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2 or 30 minutes. 1/3 in a different equation is also 20 minutes of an hour + 5/6 = 50 minutes out of 60. so now we have all the information so 1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2 __ 1/3+5/6 = 7/6. 1/2 is 30minutes plus 7/6 is 1 hr. and 10 mins so 5/6 + 1/3 is totally bigger
7/28 can be reduced to 1/4 same as 6/24, so the equation will be easier to understand. it is 1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2 or 30 minutes. 1/3 in a different equation is also 20 minutes of an hour + 5/6 = 50 minutes out of 60. so now we have all the information so 1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2 __ 1/3+5/6 = 7/6. 1/2 is 30minutes plus 7/6 is 1 hr. and 10 mins so 5/6 + 1/3 is totally bigger
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Scoring Guide
Title 1/1
Label 1/1
Question 3 5/5
Question 4 4/5 3/3
Question 6 5/5
Question 7 3/3
Question 8 5/5
Question 9 5/5
Question 10 7/7
Total 34/35
Great job you really took the time to explain each problem in the most detail :)
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