Monday, January 21, 2008

Jomarie's Scribe

Today in class we learned about Multiplying & Dividing - Standard Algorithm and Array Models.

Standard Algorithm is basicly multiplying the numerators, multiplying the denominators and simplifying your answer if possible. The example we did together was 2/3 x 1/2 = __. Which the answer is 1/3. How we got it is....

Array Model is a picture (rectangle shaped) showing your answer, in picture form. It is basicly multiplying the denominator to make a large rectangle and multiplying the numerator to make a small rectangle (most likely inside the large rectangle). The example was the same thing, 2/3 x 1/2 = __, but you have to show it in picture form.


aHerrera said...

You had very good explanations at what a standard algarithm and an array model was. You should of talked about the Numerator Swap, though.

Michael Jordan 873 said...

nice job, you really explain how you use standard algarithm and an array model.

Nadine♡ said...

nice scribe post jomarie! you explain the standard algarithm and array model very clearly. the numerator swap is a litle confusing.

mariya 873 said...

nice job, jomarie. i liked how you explained the standard algarithim and array model. it was easy to understand.

annedenisse 873 said...

wow. this is really helpful. i used your scribe as a guide for my math work in my portfolio

Jennaamanda said...

good job jomarie ! :)
i like you explained your work, especially the array model . i understand how to do it now ^-^

Jennaamanda said...

good job jomarie ! :)
i like you explained your work, especially the array model . i understand how to do it now ^-^