Here are 3 examples of what we talked about in class today. Please leave a comment behind telling me what you like about the example (1, 2 or 3) and how does it explain the questions or ideas we were talking about in class.
The questions or ideas were,
1. Fractions are relations, the size or amount of the whole matters.
2. Fractions represent division with a quotient of less than 1.
3. With unit fractions the greater the denominator the smaller the fraction.
I liked their exlpaination because they explained it very well and they gave some examples to make it easier to understand. They also showed a very good illustration of the fraction to make it really easy to understand.
wHo eVER diD tHiS .. GOOD JOB .. i liKe yOUR mAtH .. ! tHeY mAdE iT eAsY tO uNdERStAnD ..
i really like the first answer. the group that explained the first question explained it very well. i also like the picture they did. it really made me understand the meaning of equal sizes.
WOW! It makes more sense to me now. I finally get it! The groups did real good jobs. It's more easy to understand it. GOOD JOB!
i really like the first one. it clearly explain the topic well and they did use some questions to understand the topic more and they did use a brick fraction which may tell the viewer which is bigger...who
ever made the new one, they did understand the topic that is being discussed
i like the #1's first answer, I think they explained the answers very well words, numbers, and pictures. They made a good explaination for the fraction that they showed and they even added some examples to make it easier to understand
I like the first answer. it's explanation is understandable .
i liked the first explaination because i can understand it clearly without getting confused
i like their answer in #1 because they clearly explained it...well, makes sense to me now (all of it!)...they clearly explained it by pictures...good job! :)
In the first question, I like how they did the bricks thing.
Good Job ((:
good job you made it easy for us to understand the fractions and I like how u explained it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!........
the first answer i think is one of the clearest answers on there eplains good
i like how you did it. i understand it very well and i hope i can do that. GOOD JOB guys! (:
They all did a good job but i like # 1 because they made it really easy to understand!! =]
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